Skills and Experiences

First Aid Certified

Adult CPR Certified


Venture Crew President

Pep Club Vice President

Boyscouts Treasurer

International Travel Experience: Wales, England, Ireland, Japan


On October 5th 2013, I went to the Carolina Sport Business & Fitness Expo at UNC-CH. This expo was a chance for me to meet and talk with sport companies in North Carolina and pass out my resume to companies I was interested in. This was a great opportunity for myself and other sport management undergrads to get there foot in the door with certain organizations. I spoke with several companies and handed my resume over to 3 companies that seemed highly interested in me. It is one of very few career fairs that are geared towards sport management majors. What I learned from this experience is that most organizations are looking for students that have experience working in sport and not necessarily have exceptional grades.


On October 2nd 2013, I went to a Wells Fargo lecture in Nelson. This lecture was James Speed, President and CEO of North Carolina Mutual Life Insurance, talking about is company and his rise to the top. He said he was an average college students when it came to grades, his push was the ambition he had to be at the top. This information really benefits me because it gives me hope to one day be at the top of my career field. It shows that grades are not everything when it comes to the workplace, ambition and drive goes a long way as well. I learned that grades are not everything and after college grades will not define how I succeed in my career.